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Sunday 28 April 2013

'The glory and the freshness of a dream...'

“I can’t believe it’s already a week since Amy and Guy went home” said Lin
“I think I know why it passes quicker when you’re older”
“Go on” I said
“Every day is a smaller proportion of your whole life”
"Like the last mile of a hundred miles is shorter than the last mile of four?"
“Maybe, but also...”
The bed was warm. The air too. No need for nightclothes or even sheets. Beams of warm light were working round the edge of curtains and a tall strip of it had eased its way through a crack in the bedroom door, making sharp shadows. We heard Effie chatting to Katerina in the garden next door. “That’s the second dead cat in the garden”.
“They went in there to die while Effie and Adoni were away in Thessaloniki.” I said “It’s also to do with the fact that by the time your our age…”
“…by the time you're our age you’ve processed so much about the world things aren’t new in the way they were, no more bathed in celestial when you wandered through a new world”
“I didn’t leave Cannock until I was in my teens”
“Not geographical wandering. Everything’s wonderful to a child. You’re brain is processing at light speed”
“Still is”
“No. I mean a child looks at the surface of a table, at spilled milk, a cabbage…and as for a bank of wild flowers!”
“I get just as much of a sense of wonder at things now” she said
“Remember that Wolf Spider on the wall below as big as my thumb with a hundred hundred babies on its back. But no, you can look that up now. You’ve got the world catalogued. The wonder’s no longer unalloyed”
“Don’t agree”
“I took a photo. A child would just have looked and delighted or screamed...but perhaps time passes faster, or slower, because grown-ups have watches, You can manipulate your experience. If you’re in Gatwick with hours for a flight you don't say 'prolong the wait'”
“You can’t have a sense of wonder in North Terminal?”
“”Get us to Boarding even if it brings death closer”
“Time passes faster for us because we’ve got less of it?”
“Hm. An artist and the eye of a child can play with time”
“Not just artists”
“They can slow time and speed it up…can't make the sun stand still, but make him run'"

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Simon Baddeley