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Thursday 15 January 2009

A Corfu narrowcast channel - AFTONOMOSTV - on YouTube

On 29 December 2008 AFTONOMOSTV, a Corfu narrowcasting channel started posting on YouTube, with Greek and English podcasts going back five years and more - part uncontentious local interest, part political comment, describing, for instance, concerns about investment - or lack of it - in the island's infrastructure. Harry Tsoukalas has made the bold decision to put his head even further above the parapet by putting these films on YouTube. Earlier in 2008 Malcolm Brabant, a good reporter but not knowledgeable about public finance, reported that Tsoukalas was campaigning for 'autonomy' for the island. Tsoukalas refuted this, repeating the point that he wished to draw reasoned attention to the social and economic consequences for Corfu's infrastructure of inequitable central-local funding. As a businessman participating in the island's economy, he has an interest in its health, but in proposing cures he draws unwelcome attention to the woes of an economy whose chief harvest is its visitors.
A piece about the British Cemetery in Corfu that ends with a collage of black and white images referencing the Corfu Channel Incident of October 1946.
Tsoukalas makes a connection between road crashes in Corfu and under investment in highway maintenance.
A film about practical ways to meet the EU's requirements on landfill and waste disposal and reduce Corfu's notorious flytipping problem.The last third of the narrowcast is about a recent event at the British Cemetery in Corfu. Following a moving speech by George Psailas who looks after the cemetery, the British Consul makes a presentation honouring Psailas' 55 year stewardship. Aftonomostv credits are shown at the end. As well as Tsoukalas, they include Hilary Paipeti. Sarah Wood, who we met in Acharavi (if she's the same) when we started seeking a house in Corfu in 2006, provides 'secretarial services'; report by Roz Kershaw; research by Katie Martinou, Spiros Spingos and Alexandros Merikis; editor and studio director Yiannis Sakkos; camera Harris Andriotis, Kostas Michalaros and Yiannis Hitiris; programme advisor John Payne and subtitles by Marilena Sfaeliou.

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Simon Baddeley