'It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change' Charles Darwin
At the foot of the Domain we strolled along the harbour front until, rounding a corner, I came all of a sudden across the Sydney Opera House, a building in my imagination since its completion when I was just 30. Sunday afternoon and the world of human variety - age, nationality and ethnicity - seemed to revolve gently about us in every direction, walking, sitting, reclining and, like me, gazing - in joyful wonderment - at a panorama too wide for the camera and an acoustic landscape of waves, the rumbling and plashing of boats - large and small - and conversation in every register. We sucked choc-ices and stared up and down the harbour like eager children, then strolled on to a quayside restaurant for a late lunch, revelling, with a thousand others, in the grandeur and jollity all around. Not since I've been to Cairo or walked around the Parthenon or the Taj Mahal do I recall such pleasure at being an unabashed tourist - and in such kind company.
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