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Tuesday, 4 November 2008

Victoria Jubilee Allotments

At last a response from the City Council thanks to lobbying on our behalf by Councillor Kim Brom and the Perry Barr Constituency Manager:
Dear Councillor Brom, I understand and share Simon Baddeley's frustrations over the slow progress of the full implementation of the approved scheme for this site. Charles Church as the developer are in breach of the terms of various planning conditions of the planning approval and parts of the S106 Agreement, particularly over the delivery of the allotments and sports pitches to the City. Accordingly, I have met with key stakeholder colleagues from Children, Young People and Families, Local Services as well as from Legal Services and I am in process of putting together a joint input letter to Charles Church detailing outstanding requirements and the legal repercussions if progress is not made more quickly. Part of the reason for not doing this earlier has been the need to also consult colleagues over particular aspects of the overall development which have been raised by Members and other third parties and residents (such as the location of the children's play area and whether alternative footpath access can be obtained to Handsworth Park from the Victoria Jubilee site) as this in turn could impact on the submissions we require fron Charles Church. On the more positive side, I understand Charles Church have given one of their staff the task of dealing with all outstanding issues so I hope progress can be made soon without resorting to legal processes which can be lengthy of themselves to go through. I hope this is of help to you. Alan Orr Constituency Planning Officer - Perry Barr 0121 303 1115


  1. what's the score for registering an iterest in renting one, Simon?

  2. Phone or e-mail Adrian Stagg on the Allotments Team 0121 303 3038 or go to the City Council website, search ‘allotments’; complete the application form to be short-listed for a plot on the 'Victoria Jubilee'.

  3. ...oh and try looking at latest news on the VJA at:

    and see the city's first Newsletter on the VJA:


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Simon Baddeley